Business Support
With two decades of experience, CCI France Jordanie - CAFRAJ has real solutions for French companies interested in setting up their business in Jordan and for Jordanian companies willing to initiate business relations with French counterparts. We offer a wide range of services to address your business needs.
• Market Studies and Analyses
Thanks to our knowledge of the Jordanian market and access to local sources of information, we can provide you with industry reports, dedicated market studies and analyses to answer your business needs. CAFRAJ prepares analyses based on your specifications.
• Market diagnostics
Market Diagnostics provides you with detailed information about the targeted market/sector, latest market trends, consumers’ preferences and main competitors in the Jordanian market.
• List of Contacts
Whether you are searching for a partner, agent, distributor, customer, importer, or investor, CCI France Jordanie - CAFRAJ provides you with a list of key contacts for the targeted sector.
We deliver exhaustive lists that include full name, job title, contact details and extensive information on the targets identified.
• Potential Partners
Once we have identified potential partners for your business according to your global strategy, we organize introductory meetings with the approved prospects. Meetings can be held both on site or in our offices.
• Product Testing in the market
Market testing determines the feasibility of your product to evaluate market demand for your product or examine whether the market potential of your product is worth the investment.
• Prospection Mission
CCI France Jordanie - CAFRAJ allows you to identify potential partners to support your mission and organizes personalized B2B meetings to connect you with the right people.